Gauge Problems Almost Solved


I tried to add a picture to this post, but Blogger was not cooperating with me, so here is my thought for the day sans photo enhancement….

If I am very careful and hopeful and optimistic, the gauge problem has been solved. I dropped from a US 5 all the way down to a US 3! This means I have to dig out my set of US 2s for the smaller needle required. I haven’t reached the end of the swatch yet to make sure, but I am pretty confident this is the needle I need to use for the breeches. Now all I have to do, once they are done, is to swatch for the little sweater.

Gauge Problems


I am having gauge problems with the little leggings I want to do for my niece’s new baby. It says, quite simply, 22 stitches & 32 rows = 4 inches. The problem, when I do it with the suggested needle of US 5 it is not any where near the correct gauge. Last night I did a swatch – yes, it is surprising! I am swatching! – on US 4 needles and it was better, but still not spot on. I am nearly getting truly disappointed and have considered, albeit fleetingly, of just giving up, but I can’t. I can do this! I have correct gauge with other things, I just need to find the correct size needle darn it!

So, today, since I am still recovering from the stomach ickiness, I am going to try a size US 3 and see how that goes. If it does not get me gauge I am going straight to a US 1 and see how it does. I may just make it a little larger than just 3 months.

I am just a little bummed, but still determined. Any suggestions?